基礎油錦囊 - 有機瓊崖海棠油


The Story :


Originaire de l’Asie du Sud Est, le calophylle inophylle est un arbre qui prospère et se multiplie sur les sables coralliens dans la proximité des lagons.

It can reach about fifteen meters. Its trunk is tortuous and covered with a hard bark that turns an ochre-yellow colour. The leaves are dark green, elliptical, thick, smooth, smooth, measuring 8 to 20 cm long and 6 to 9 cm wide.

The inflorescence is terminal and forms a cluster of five to fifteen flowers. The flower is composed of 8 white petals and many yellow stamens. Its spherical fruit, with a skin varying from green to brown, surrounding a hard shell and containing a seed.

Calophyllum is a tree considered sacred in many countries. From Polynesia to India and Madagascar, the powerful virtues of its oil are recognized and used in many traditional remedies.







Our Vegetal Oil :



Callophyllum vegetable oil has a particular composition of active ingredients that gives it very pronounced regenerative and nourishing properties. Our Callophyllum vegetable oil is obtained by cold pressing the seed from Madagascar to obtain the best of its properties. Its aroma is typical of walnuts and a little spicy, and its color is usually in shades of brown to orange.      



Properties :


  • Stimulating virtues
  • Toning virtues, it promotes circulation
  • Reference oil for damaged skin (especially redness and scars)







 Uses :


Local uses :

Apply a few drops to damaged skin. Massage gently until absorbed.







Tips :


To lighten heavy legs, prepare a small bottle of calophyll oil (1/5 of calophyllum essential oil for 4/5 of vegetable oil) in which you will add a few drops of juniper and/or cypress essential oil.